A form for requesting access & Obtaining information and related documents in accordance to Law No. 12 of 2020
Data of the Authority the Application is Submitted to
Data of The Applicant
The Entity
Kuwait Oil Tanker Company
Please Enter the Name
Please Enter the Correct Civil I.D No.
Please Enter the Title
Please Enter the correct Phone No.
Please Enter the Email
Statements of information or required documents
في حال طلب أكثر من معلومة مختلفة، برجاء كتابتها أسفل بعضها البعض مع بيان سبب الطلب لكل واحدة
The Reason for Request
This field is required
This field is required
Supporting Documents
Attach at least one file
(PDF, jpg, png, gif)
The Relation of the Applicant to the Information or Document

This field is required



Acknowledgment by the applicant

Please accept the acknowledgment